Saturday, 21 June 1997

Ease Your Pain At A Touch

Photo of newspaper article entitled ease your pain at a touch with portrait of therapist Julie Nihcolls
      Evening Advertiser Health Matters

Mental Gymnastics promotes good health Singers Neil Sedaka and Linda Ronstadt have more than finely tuned voices in common. Their bodies also sing from the same song sheet thanks to a little know relaxation technique. The Trager Approach aims to relieve pain by correcting he cause of problems, rather than treating the symptoms.

Therapist Julie Nicholls, who practises the technique at The Bentley Centre, in Stratton Road, Swindon, helps her clients regain physical, mental and emotional harmony.

Neil Sedaka says in a testimonial on the Trager website:

“I am most enthusiastic about Mentastics , I am always left with a feeling of lightness and freedom of movement."

While Linda Ronstadt says:

“Trager works is an invaluable aid for all singers. It relaxes the throat muscles and positions the larynx for extended range and better breath support. I rely on it.”

Whether you are trying to improve your karaoke skills or to alleviate aches and pains the unusual technique is worth experiencing. There are two aspects of Trager- one where the client is passive and the other in which they are active. The passive aspect is usually referred to as the tablework, and the active aspect is called Mentastics.

The technique was the brainchild of Milton Trager, who, in spite of being born with a congenital spinal deformity in Chicago 1908, achieved the athletic, graceful body of a dancer and gymnast.

He discovered the approach while he was training to be a boxer in his late teens and began practising on thousands of people. It sounds strange that a soft touch, almost like a stroking action, can ease back pain just as well as a good, deep massage. But as Julie explained, the client has more to do in her sessions than just lying back on the massage couch.

Julie, who trained as a nurse but became a Trager therapist nine years ago, said: “Mentastics is like mental gymnastics and is an important part. I ask the client to think of their pain, for example in their back, and recognise the way it feels when there is no pain". It sounds simple but it really helps.
If the client can explain how it feels they are on the right track to finding out the cause and correcting it.” After the Mentastics segment of the treatment,  the client relaxes on the massage couch where Julie starts to work her magic. It feels as though she is literally stroking away the pain, coaxing the body to relax completely.

“Forget about no pain, no gain.” Julie said. “Trager is more about no pain, more gain.

We have to learn to take pauses in life. You can lose track of the goals if you don’t take a step back every now and then. ” After one side of the body has been worked on, Julie holds up a mirror asking the client to see how they look. It may seem odd, but when you know what she is talking about you realise that
the relaxed side is visibly lengthened, as though the bones and muscles are able to breathe again. After the session, which costs £20 per half an hour, you are left with an almost floating feeling- and seemingly about three inches taller.

For more information call Julie on 01793 495551 or