Friday, 22 September 2000

Solutions Newsletter 4

This Newsletter contains the following subjects: -

You can heal your life (Louise Hay), The Flexx Approach, Speaking circles.

Thursday, 22 June 2000

Solutions Newsletter 3

This Newsletter contains the following subjects: -

Blue Lace Agate crystal when feeling hot and bothered, Transformational speaking circles, Deodorant stone.

Monday, 22 May 2000

Solutions Newsletter 2

This Newsletter contains the following subjects: -

Chrysoprase to feel bright and amethyst crystal for sleep, Wheateeze hot and cold Pain relief packs.

Wednesday, 22 March 2000

Solutions Newsletter 1

This Newsletter contains the following subjects: -  
Stress: do you get it? Amethyst crystal for sleep, Wheateeze hot and cold Pain relief packs.