Tuesday, 22 October 2002

Solutions Newsletter 8

This Newsletter contains the following subjects: -

Oedema, water retention, fears, phobias and exam nerves need not stop you with help from the National Phobics Society and EMDR, Trager workshop, Voice workshop, Homeopathy

Sunday, 22 September 2002

Solutions Newsletter 7

This Newsletter contains the following subjects: -

Charity contributions, NLP, Mentastics, Homeopathy, Evening primrose oil.

Wednesday, 21 August 2002

Shape Up Without The Strain

Photo of newspaper article entitled shape up without the strain and a picture of therapist Julie Nicholls demonstrating Mentastics
Evening Advertiser August 2002
While many of us risk strains or even pulled muscles with punishing sessions in the gym, there is a therapy in Swindon that offers increased physical and mental well-being without the burn.

Trager and Mentastics are innovative therapies, originally from America, which combine gentle relaxing manipulation of the body-Trager, with self-care mental gymnastics-Mentastics.

Key benefits of Trager and Mentastics include reduced stress and anxiety, increased suppleness, deep relaxation, increased energy levels and recovery from injury.

Students of the therapies and people just wishing to find out more about them gathered at Lainsmead Primary School in Eastern Avenue for a day-long workshop, organised by local Swindon therapist Julie Nicholls, 34.

The workshop was led by the Austrian Trager and Mentastics instructor Hadi Stieg-Breuss, who helped the students explore movements of their arms, hands, back and heads. Ms. Nicholls, who practises as a therapist in the Bentley Centre in Stratton Road, said the workshop was a success.

“I’ve run several of these workshops since 1997. They’re a lot of fun, very relaxing and people who have not done Trager or Mentatics before, say that the day really puts them in contact with their bodies.

“Trager and Mentastics look at the individual’s body,” she continues, “If the person is suffering any pain, it seeks to help them change the ways in which their bodies work for them. It’s about moving so you feel effortless.

“The principles of Trager study weight, space, breathing, pauses and movement. It’s about how to get into positions without having to force them. If a person has pain, they hold on to that muscle, tense it, stress about it, even get depressed and that pain can rule their lives.

“We help them to look at what’s happening in their bodies and ways in which moving differently may help - if you move more freely, life can feel wonderful.

Julie plans to hold another workshop in November and would like to hear from anyone who would like to take part. The session will be open to everyone, children included, although they must be old enough to follow movement directions.

To find out more phone Julie Nicholls on 01793 495551 or visit body-mind-coaching.co.uk