Wednesday, 21 August 1996

Gentle Manipulation Is The Key

Evening Advertiser 1996

Trager Approach techniques used today were created and developed over a period of 65 years by Milton Trager, who himself continued practising until he was 89.

They combine gentle, relaxing manipulation called tablework, with self-care exercises called Mentastics.

In tablework the person receiving the treatment lies comfortably on a special padded table wearing loose clothes.

Each person brings with them an individual history. Their body is unique.

The qualified Trager practitioner is aware of this and will treat a person according to what they find.

Using graceful and gentle manipulation of limbs and joints the practitioner works through natural paths of movement.

No attempt is made to put strain or fore on the receiver's body and the movements induce deep relaxation, increased physical mobility and mental clarity.

The aim of the tablework session is to promote a state of mental and physical well-being in the person receiving the treatment by releasing built up patterns of tension in the joints and muscles of the body.

To find out more phone Julie Nicholls on 01793 495551 or visit

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