When I started my Remedial Massage practice, in 1993, a ‘business mentor’ said that it wouldn’t work in Swindon; I should go to Totnes or Glastonbury!
My thought was: relocating is not an option and people deserved pain relief in other towns too!
As Sean Stevenson put it: “don’t believe a prediction that doesn’t serve you!”
So despite the prediction and the difficulties life threw at me along the way, I followed my passion. Now I can celebrate 30 years in business for the whole of 2023!
I want to celebrate with you as I truly enjoy what I do. Helping people get better never feels like work and it now includes a lot more than massage. So I have devised 30 special mini retreats, available till 30th Dec 2023.
Maybe you are ready for a reset or a reboot like with old computers to get them functioning better.
Just like I was told my business wouldn’t work, have you been told that:
If you work hard you will succeed, Computers will make your life easier, Doctors will make you better!
This is what I heard as a child from parents, teachers, the media... However these didn't fit my experience of life. Trying harder just made me exhausted and frustrated at not making progress.
Computers haven’t really made my life easier.
My experience as a nurse helped me realise conventional medicine was ill equipped to deal with chronic problems.
I believed these, until I realised they were just stories.
We have been conditioned to believe that someone else’s way is the right way and often only way.
How about in your life, are you lead by false beliefs?
We have been taught that in order to be liked we have to be good and behave. That generally means to listen and please others, rather than honour ourselves, our needs and values.
How often have you had a gut feeling and not followed through, then regretted it? This is because you were listening to someone else's path, not your own and staying true to yourself.
Ignoring such feelings and persistently sacrificing yourself can lead to frustration, anger, and overwhelm. Effectively what most people accept as normal stress. It arises because everyone else's wants and needs are getting on top of you. It might be the norm but that doesn’t make it normal!
Have a spa and relax!
Do you deal with it by ignoring it hoping it will magically vanish one day? Or maybe you go away for a spa day, or have a massage now and again. You might even think that going on holiday will make it better.
However, have you noticed that you relax there, but when you get home the same things still wind you up? Nothing has changed!
To me these are temporary avoidance. It's OK, they help recharge your battery but doesn't resolve anything.
You see, most spas and massages are designed as a generic product. They are not there to help you address specific issues and a holiday is a distraction and can be sometimes be just as draining.
Have the things you are doing to improve your situation stopped working or not working as well?
Doing more of the same and expecting a different outcome, is insanity,
according to Einstein.
Do you really want things to change?
Maybe you are ready for a completely different kind of retreat. One that can help you feel better for more than a few hours. One that can make a difference to your life. You might not need to do more but feel comfortable doing less.
YES, you can stop people-pleasing without your world falling apart!
Are you ready to put yourself first? (Yes you’ll probably feel guilty but this retreat can tackle that too.)
Remember, you can't take care of others if you don't look after yourself first. This is why you must put your own oxygen mask on, before helping anyone else (including your children!)
Do you want the courage and confidence to live YOUR life, rather than the one you have been told or believe you should live?
Because as the quote often wrongly attributed to Oscar Wild says
“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken”.
Changing your relationship with yourself, will affect the one you have with food, money, work and ultimately your relationship with others. You can't change others but you can change yourself!
It is easier than you imagine because you already have all the tools you need. How do I know? You are still alive! So whatever life has thrown at you so far, you have survived it!
Now you can choose to do more than survive and it starts with being able to love yourself. You can then love your life and others more, if you wish. The lack of alignment with our deepest self is the greatest cause of stress.
Ready to celebrate who you really are? Want to trust yourself, so you can have more of the life you want?
The Body~Mind relax and regenerate mini-retreat is for you.
You will have a completely unique blend of physical treatments, as well practical approaches that will help you ease tension, find peace of mind and deeply relax. Like a complete physical, mental and emotional makeover!
At the end, you will be able to think more clearly. Rather than simply patching symptoms that resurface over and over again, you will understand and be able to tackle the causes of your discomfort. Because only in a truly relaxed state are we most creative and best able to make good choices.
You will begin to feel yourself again, ready to own your life, in the knowledge that you are comfortable being who you are. A human being, not a human doing.
Not only are these 30 sessions unique to my birthday celebration, I am also giving the first 9 people who book a discount on the £300 price.
If this is not for you, but you would like to find out about other offers and events, I will be running over my celebration year, subscribe to my UPdates.
You can also find some self help videos on my Youtube channel.
In order to get the most benefit you will need to commit to a 2 day, one to one, experience.
Day 1:
Morning: You will be focussing on a reflective practice setting your intention and planning what you want from the retreat.
Prepare your lunch and evening meals. Ensure your home will be a nice place to relax in the evening and next day.
Afternoon: At 1.30pm you will join me, at my practice, for a 4hours treatment tailored to your needs.
It will include:
-Clarifying your morning preparation about you intention for the session. Explain what you would like to achieve at the end of day 2.
- A physical assessment (Eg. gait, posture, mobility, blood pressure)
- An optional foot spa, a 90 min full body massage and/or other body work to release physical tension.
-Address, release and give you tools and techniques to deal with your most pressing cause of stress.
Evening: You will return home and continue to relax, eat the food you prepared that morning and sleep in the comfort of your own bed.
Day 2:
Morning you will have time to reflect on what is really holding you back and what you are ready to change.
Afternoon: a zoom call will answer any question that may have arisen and addressed the issues you have uncovered.
This process will:
Help you see the wood for the trees, by getting some clarity on the things that are truly getting in your way. Often not the things you think are the problem.
You will be able to put into practice easy techniques to help you get a better night’s sleep and improve your life.
Help you feel contented and more yourself. Feel more confident that you can own your life in the knowledge you are comfortable being who you are: a human being rather than a human doing!
You will need to have cleared your diary of commitments for the day of the treatment and the following day so you have time to process all the changes.
As I mentioned, there are only 30 retreat sessions available between now and 30 Dec 2023.
The first 3 to book will get over 30 % discount at £210
The next 3 will pay £230
And 3 more get £30 off at £270.
To book or for any further information, get in touch.
Until next time, be well, be you.
Julie Nicholls Body~Mind Coach
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